Your patients.Your questions.Answered.

Join Primum's community of oncology providers finding answers for their curbsides.

Primum is free to use & HIPAA-compliant.

Primum specialists are here to help you shine.

Dr. Virginia KaklamaniBreast Cancer

Dr. Eric JacobsenNon-Hodgkin Lymphoma

Dr. Joshua RichterMultiple Myeloma

UT Health San Antonio MD Anderson

Dana-Farber Cancer Institute

Mount Sinai

How PRiMUM Works

Select a specialist - they're here for you

When you have a question, you want fast, informed, and specific input from a specialist. We provide: 

Compensated specialists ready for all questions

Average response time of under 24 hours

Hand selected thought leaders

Would you administer CAR-T in a DLBCL patient with central nervous system involvement of their malignancy?

Ask a question. Or many questions.

Dr. A

No need to limit your questions. Easily get free guidance from specialists who are compensated for their time. Expect responses in a median of ~8 hours.

Yes, I have given CAR-T to patients like that. It might make the benefit to risk ratio a bit less favorable, but it’s still a viable option. Let’s discuss further.

"I am 100% more willing to ask a question knowing that Primum Experts are compensated for each curbside" - Dr. Katharine T.

Dr. B

PRiMUM by the Numbers


Cost to ask a question


Median response time (hours)


Specialists on the platform


Cancer types supported

How We Help

Expand your specialist network

Specific, relevant & concise information

Precision knowledge at the point of care

Jessica O.

Community Oncologist, NYC


Is there any cost for me to join and connect with specialists?

No, there is no cost to join. We want to eliminate barriers to accessing information that impacts patient care, not add them.

What problems can your specialists help me with? 

Our specialists can support patient-specific questions across solid and liquid tumors. We are constantly adding new disease areas as well. Check out our inquiries page to see a few example platform conversations.

What makes Primum unique?

Primum exists to get you informed contextual answers to your patient-specific questions. You choose the specialist to engage with directly in a 1:1 chat. We guarantee quick response times from leading specialists in under 24 hours.

Why would a specialist respond to me on Primum?

Specialists see this as an effective way to extend the impact of their depth of disease-state knowledge with other oncologists. Primum, also, provides each specialist a small honorarium to incentivize a quick and reliable response. 

What's in it for Primum?

Primum makes money from biopharma by allowing their scientific professionals to be on the platform and respond to questions about therapies from their companies. We also make de-identified and aggregated data from conversations available to them. Biopharma will only be a reactive resource. Sales professionals are not allowed on the site.

How do you protect my privacy?

We do not sell your personal information. Should conversations between doctors on Primum be made available to others, they are de-identified to oftentimes aggregated to avoid exposing any particular user’s identity.

Is it safe for me to share information about my patient on Primum?

Primum is a HIPAA-compliant platform. We facilitate informal educational interactions on our site and as such require physicians to avoid sharing details like patient name and chart documentation.

85 5th Ave, 8th Fl, New York, NY

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